Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Day 4.....Day 6

October 9 2023 

Just like Duchess, he was someone's pet.   He was trained & he knows the rules.  He's a very sweet boy, so I don't know why they'd let him go /not look for him.      He's a lover.  

Right now the cons are: 

He's still got "Horney toad" hormones flowing through him. He keeps attempting to mount Ziva. She's shutting him down.  This will happen for approximately 6 weeks while the hormone levels drop.

He's not exactly "in" with the pack yet. That will come with time. Although his playing with them will hopefully help things along. 

He's not learned the yard yet.  We need to get him both used to where he can & can't go AND learn the INV fence.   

Otherwise he's a sweet boy.  Picking up the mantle of bringing "energy" to the group.

Day 6  10/11/23

Oh, wear to begin... 
First, must be his non-Berner side...he's a barker.  He sees someone, he barks. He hears something he's unfamiliar with (the shredder, Clancy (robot vac), he barks.    The ball the cattle dogs play with, he barks. 

It takes some getting used to ignoring.    But he's actively on patrol quite a lot. 

He has a lot of Volos like qualities. 

He does the nose punch to my arm when I'm working.
He loves running to play in the basement. 
He makes these little moans & huffs that sound like him. 
He's a little lover. 

Peryn & his relationship is VERY much like Peryn's & Volos' was in the beginning. They've already gotten into it once.  

He's obsessed with Ziva. She stops him, but it doesn't seem to get through to him. I need to start carrying around a spray bottle.

He is not shy about climbing on furniture.    He's not shy about jumping into my lap when I call him. And I do mean jump. 

I was a little hesitant regarding him. Not sure how I should feel the first few days. However, I'm going to say, I adore him. He's a sweetheart. 

He also LOVES getting brushed.  Volos did too, but Khors is king of loving getting brushed.  Turns him into a pile of mush

Alright, I was just interrupted there about a half hour ago.   
Went to the basement at lunch time & something different happened.   
Ziva went to play tug with me & Khors took the rope!  We had actual play!!! So Ziva who loves tug more than anything once again has a tug partner.  
He plays much differently than Volos did, but this is a good thing.  

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