Your eyes aren't deceiving you. We've posted twice this week. The Daddyman is otherwise occupied, leaving time for Momma to play around. That doesn't happen often--so enjoy it.
Regular visitors may notice a slight change in layout & design. Having had time, found the settings to make some long wanted modifications. Once upon a time all I did was update and work on webpages and graphics. That young lil lady eventually got a job, moved back to her home town and got lots and lots of dogs... Bye bye free time.
So yes, I made some updates to the layout and colors. Hope it makes reading easier.
Secondly, I'm writing to tell you about Volos.
Truthfully, I forget what I do write about. Throughout the week I often compose blog subjects in my head. What actually gets posted is often a far cry from what I originally thought about. That being said-- Volos had a biopsy done on one of his growths. It was another mast cell tumor. We decided to remove it being that it was the 3rd growth since we adopted him.
After the initial appointment we found another spot and another fast growing "growth" next to his eye. Thanks to Galen & Duchess, we recognized the eye one as a fatty tumor.
He had his removal surgery yesterday. The other 2 are being sent for pathology to make sure we got them all and to find out if the 2nd one is a MCT.
Poor dude. Picked him up and he was still drugged out and in the cone. Cone FREAKED him out. Every time it made a sound or moved, he freaked and tried to escape...causing it to move and freak him out more.
His freaking out caused one of the wounds to seep. I made a quick online purchase and went to pick up an inflatable collar. Five minutes later, Dude is acting normal.
What didn't help during this time of being drugged and in a cone that freaked him out, my smoke alarm went off. THAT WAS FUN.
He can't go to daycare for 2 weeks until his stitches are removed. He stayed home and slept. Part of it is because he's recovering and the other is he missed his siblings. He came to life when they got home.
It will be a long 2 weeks I can tell you that.

Volos LOVED IT. Snow and this dude.... He really came alive and wish I had been more ready with the camera. Here are some pics & Vids from the visit..including 3 way tug!
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