Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Pupdate: Peryn, Lada, & Ziva

1.17.24-started this 1.11.24
Khors is going to need his own post 

Hey there! 
Sorry there hasn't been a lot of activity here or on the Facebook page.  I really am having a hard time finding inspiration or desire to put together something to post.   
Momma is really still having a hard time without Volos.  
Lots going on, just my heart still hurts.

Let's get to the updates:

Our Peryn boy just turned 8 on the 3rd. I know I suck that I didn't do a huge blog post.  I did post of FB.

I can't believe he's getting older.   

There has been some very noticeable change in him the past few months.   First we have the weight loss. Since Daddy now walks the dogs regularly on the days they do not go into daycare, he's gotten more exercise. The more exercise has trimmed off some of the extra bulk he had & that the Vet wanted him to work off. 

He's also a lot more engaged with the pack. Instead of only barking at them all, he's tried engaging in some play. He has played tug with Ziva a bit & has attempted on several occasions to wrestle with her.   
Additionally, he's more affectionate.  That's kind of big as he's always been a bit standoffish and hates being touched too much. 

He definitely is mellowing in some ways (Others-not so much).  One down side behavior that has gotten worse is that he likes to follow me around & stay RIGHT.AT.MY.FEET.  I trip over this butthead so much cause HE'S RIGHT THERE!!!!

He's also started taking to hanging out alone in the bedroom (on the bed of course) when it's too "chaotic".

His distaste for rain has diminished a bit. Before he refused to step outside if it was raining at all. Due to the walks Daddy has been providing, he's had to walk in the rain a number of times.   So he'll step outside to use the restroom if he has to.   That's a good improvement.

Not exactly sure how much is related to age or circumstances.  He has accepted Khors and they have a tentative friendship.    

Don't get me wrong.... Peryn is still very much an A$$ H0l3.   He still steals Lada's tennis balls. Still takes Khors toys to taunt him with.  Still steals bones & bed spots.    So a few tiny steps forward I guess...

I do appreciate the "softer" side of Pear Bear though.....


Lada is Lada.   Both she & Peryn got to go on a car ride down to KY to pickup Gramma (& later drop off).  So she was in HEAVEN to see one of her favorite people.
Whenever they're together, Gramma & Lada do a bit of cuddling together. I love capturing these moments.  

Another thing that Lada got to experience was her most favorite person (aside from us) came back.   Her Jen had to be away for a few months (the entire time we've had Khors truthfully) and is back.  Lada did get to see her once during that time for a few minutes, but the day she came back.....Lada was in heaven!  
She's known Jen for practically her whole life & Jen always has taken time to play with her -as well as love on her.   So she's had her back a few times & is just as happy as can be.  

She also has taken on playing with/joining in the wrestling between Khors & Ziva.   She doesn't necessarily play with Khors, but she joins in on the ganging up on Ziva.   She loves her baby sis.

She's gotten incredibly possessive of me.  Khors comes to me often for affection & Peryn is doing so more often, so she gets up in paws about it.  I absolutely laugh & love the sounds she makes when she is unhappy with sharing me.

I love my lil girl.   She's my BFF-co-pilot.


Ziva is a very happy girl.   She first mourned Volos' loss more deeply than the others & it was heartbreaking.   She adored him so much.   

Khors has DEFINITELY eased that & given her a new outlook. She absolutely loves her baby brother.  She randomly comes up to him to start playing or wrestle.   I hear the two of them are non-stop at daycare. 

She is more engaged in playing of some sort at home.  She hasn't "annoyed" me as much due to boredom since she really shouldn't have any.

Just like with Volos, she & Khors are always near each other.  They definitely are BFFs.  

She too is super happy that Jen is back as she loves her too.   She also was SUPER happy to see Gramma.   Gramma was there when we picked her up. She was there at Christmas & on vacation... Gramma is the best.

Otherwise, there isn't much else new with Z.  She's just happy to have a companion again. She still adores her older sister & still follows her around in the basement when they play--she just ends up playing with Khors most of the time. 

Ziva is a beautiful, sweet, adorable girl who is super happy with her family.

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