Thursday, September 1, 2022

Welcome to September.

 Thursday 9/1/2022  11:02 AM

Right now, as I should be focused on work related things, I am having to listen to Ms Ziva whine. She has whined all morning.    
Why you ask?  Because she wants to P L A Y in the basement.   Tuesday's & Thursday's are their day home.   She is not a fan of this.    So I have to deal with the pouting.    It is irritating.

In a perfect world, she would go to daycare EVERY day. However we are not made of money nor is it growing on trees, so she has to live with it.  

Speaking of, since I don't remember nor do I re-read a lot of what I wrote I may repeat. The decision was made that Peryn will be getting some time away from daycare.  We still plan to send him on Monday's when his favorite human outside of family works.   However between his reluctance to go, his not really getting play in, & financially--we're going to hold off.     
We're hoping to see if it recharges him or if he's just better off home with Volos. The two of them are something else. 

Additionally, I've noticed the past week that he's not been into playing in the basement as much. HE wants to go down with all of them. He runs down there as with the rest of the gang. He just no longer is staying down there.   When I (or anyone) begins to play fetch with the ball blaster, he has stopped participating. He has gone upstairs & tends to stay up there the whole time.   
BUT....if you touch his herding ball, he comes flying down the stairs.  He prefers to play with that lately.

However if we move the play outside, oh he's involved in the fetching of the ball.  I don't use the blaster, I use the Chuck It.      
He's still ALL about trying to get me to play fetch upstairs as well.        Don't know what's going on there. 

The dogs hair broke our vacuum.   That's right ..broke it.   The thing just burnt out.   Had to buy a replacement.  That was a dilemma. We loved the Shark that we had.   I was debating if needing such a great vacuum was necessary as Clancy (our robot vac) does a nightly maintenance sweep of the house.   However once you start comparing features like the Bagless container, hepa filter, & great reviews on it for suction & such... I bit the bullet & spent the $ on a great product.   I of course saw that it had a 5 year limited warranty only AFTER it went to the garbage....    SO yeah---won't be making THAT mistake again. 

ITs a losing battle with these shed monsters.  Ziva's hair comes off of her from just lying on the floor. Clumps of her everywhere she lays.   

So we're approaching my luchtime-7 minutes away.  I can tell you that they will begin getting up from their naps & getting riled up shortly.  They know my schedule.  I plan to make my sandwich & head down to play with these guys.....    

Thanks for checking in.

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