Friday, September 16, 2022

Sept 16 2022

Earlier this week, Peryn did something so ...Peryn...and I was going to do a typical Peryn is a Jerk/A-H entry. 
I of course have since forgot what it was that he did.   He does so many jerky things.  I've come to the conclusion that he will never be a warm & cuddly dude. 
He's only affectionate when he is a)really really happy or b) when he wants something (after I tell him NO when he wants to play fetch).
Then something happens that shows me he loves me more than anything. 

Recently I have been able to begin walking again.  I had had to quit as it was excruciatingly painful.  I had had to quit walking dogs almost 10 years ago because if I couldn't swing my arms, walking was painful.  Which eventually even that wasn't helping.

I had a procedure that has made walking an attainable goal again.  Last night walking with Rich, he had Ziva & Peryn with him as he usually does, we noticed Peryn was staying close to me. 
He would hold back & walk near my side. Rich handed over the leash & we completed the walk with me holding Peryn's leash & Peryn walking by my side. 
it was awesome. He is the perfect walking partner & it's like he knew I needed him right there. 
so I am going to be BOLD.   I am going to be CRAZY. I am going to be STUPID.    as soon as I get off work in 11 mins, I am going to attempt to walk.....BOTH BOYS.

Yep.  I have both boys home again.  I know Per will be fine.   Volos....that's the wildcard.   I don't know how he'll we will soon find out. 
Will it be: 
a) he'll quit on me half a block down?
b) he'll get into it with Peryn
c)he'll be all over the place making walking a chore?

I have not walked Volos on a leash since 2020, shortly after we got him.   So this will be interesting.
Fingers X'd.

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