Wednesday, February 2, 2022

PUPDATE: February 2022

 I've got videos galore. I just need to clip them together since they are more/less the same situation.  

One thing I have done is a Facebook page. I previously had one for Lada & one for Peryn (Plus Athena's). However between the blog & each was too much. So I created one for all of them.  It's essentially my "They just did something. I must post about it." place. It allows me to share lots of dog stuff and also keep track of the crazies.     It'll be more a moment in time thing. This will be the long stories & more details place, but I needed an up to the minute place to post.  
That being said, tell me what you think....

Also here's some glimpses of their FB page:
Ziva getting Big

Peryn getting irritated that I won't continue to throw the ball. Stubborn dude!

And Volos after destroying more boxes. This is what I have lots of videos on that I need to condense. He is HILARIOUS with these boxes. Daddy might not be happy when he gets home.

They are definitely an active & cray bunch.  I am really happy with the energy of this pack.  It took awhile, but it's pretty good. 
Of course their personalities are ...hilarious. 
We have 

Volos: a total MOMMAs boy. Everything is about Mom, boxes, & toys.  He is happiest when cuddling in bed with Momma.
He doesn't attend day care like he used to. Maybe once a week. Otherwise he loves being home alone with Momma. All the snuggles, snacks & car rides a boy could want. 
He adores his sisters. He is sweet with them & even more so with Ziva. She won.  Pushed her way into his heart. 
He grudgingly likes Peryn. He misses him when he's gone & growls when together.  
He loves all sorts of pets.

Peryn: Ball fiend. Actually -anything that can be used to throw & fetch.  After being at daycare all day, he'll come home & demand more fetch.  
He loves to be a jerk & ruin fun.  He hasn't exactly warmed to Ziva. He'll try to play with her, but it's on his terms. if she tries on her terms, he snaps. 
When playing fetch with Lada, he'll stay back & let her do all the chasing.  He likes to run with her.  Sometimes stealing the ball when the one in his mouth gets too nasty. 
His most favorite thing is to torture Volos to get him to chase.  Not as much as they used to , but still pretty persistent.  
HE isn't a cuddly dog. Its rare when he wants affection, so enjoy it when he gives it up.
Lada-Psycho. She earned this nickname because she's both a jumper & an aggressive kisser.  Sometimes one cannot catch their breath. She is a serious Momma's girl & will come flying from another part of the house if she thinks I am going to show affection to any other dog. 
She LOVEs & adores her siblings. Ziva is her BFF. They are quite hilarious to watch due to the difference in sizes, but they are fantastic together.   
She adores big brother Volos. She loves on him in the early mornings when Mom is getting ready to start work.   

Then there is Peryn. I think of them more like twins than anything. When she gets irritated at him, she lets him have it. She loves hanging with him & cuddling near him.  They've been together most of their lives.   

Then the baby...Ziva.  Ziva still is growing & coming into her own.  However this dog. 
She is the biggest teddy bear. She loves giving hugs. She loves cuddles. She loves people, dogs, food, anything she can get her mouth on.   
And boy does she LOVE her Daddy.  Watching her when he comes home from wherever.  Watching her demand cuddles from him.  He loves every freaking moment.  He hasn't had a dog like this since Sheba.  Athena was close, but not like Ziva. 

Every night, she climbs on his lap & they cuddle.  

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