Let's start with poor Volos. Before I actually get to the heart of the 2 stories, I must go back a bit.
At my last house there were two things that helped "socialize" my dogs. Got them accustomed to these things so they could "deal".
At my last house there were two things that helped "socialize" my dogs. Got them accustomed to these things so they could "deal".
The first was the gun range. A gun range backed our development so my house was a few hundred feet from the border. This meant we heard gun shots (multiple gun shots) on the regular. Peryn & Lada could ignore them. Duchess could ignore them. Athena just barked at them.
The second: ANYTIME I cooked in my kitchen, my smoke alarm would go off. This smoke detector was around the corner, in the entrance hall. I cook, it goes off. It was annoying as 1. I would have to walk all the way over there & find something to push the button so it would stop. 2. If I didn't get to it in time, the next alarm in the chain would go off. Soon the whole house would have multiple alarms blaring. DROVE ME CRAZY. Hated it.
Peryn would get a little nervous, but he was ultimately OK.
Peryn would get a little nervous, but he was ultimately OK.
Now onto current day. Since moving here, I can cook regularly without issue. I say regularly and not all the time. Certain meals that have a lot of grease & smoke will eventually set off an alarm. We try to be pre-emptive and open windows and doors.
However we don't always win. The alarm outside of our bedroom will be the one to set off. Now, if that one goes off, they all go off. No biggie right? Wrong. The security system in THIS house is an upgraded one compared to the one in our old place. Additionally it "listens" for the smoke detectors & will only go off if it registers them going for more than a few seconds...(10-15?).
Well the new alarms in the house are not easy to turn off. NOT AT ALL. So essentially the one outside of the kitchen/bedroom will go off, setting off the one in the front hall. The one in the front hall is 15 feet from the monitor. So THAT goes off. THAT one is loud. That one is annoying. That one triggers a call from our Service. So when they go off -the first thing I must do is FIND MY PHONE. This is the most important one of them all. Once I have my phone, I can head to the panel to enter my code to turn off the monitor alarm.
However we don't always win. The alarm outside of our bedroom will be the one to set off. Now, if that one goes off, they all go off. No biggie right? Wrong. The security system in THIS house is an upgraded one compared to the one in our old place. Additionally it "listens" for the smoke detectors & will only go off if it registers them going for more than a few seconds...(10-15?).
Well the new alarms in the house are not easy to turn off. NOT AT ALL. So essentially the one outside of the kitchen/bedroom will go off, setting off the one in the front hall. The one in the front hall is 15 feet from the monitor. So THAT goes off. THAT one is loud. That one is annoying. That one triggers a call from our Service. So when they go off -the first thing I must do is FIND MY PHONE. This is the most important one of them all. Once I have my phone, I can head to the panel to enter my code to turn off the monitor alarm.
HOWEVER if the house smoke alarms are still going, this will just kick off the security alarm again. Round & Round we go. The reason that I must have my phone is they call. If I do not answer the first time they call, they will dispatch the fire department. Even if they get a hold of me & I give them the all clear.. We've met our friendly neighborhood firemen a few times because of this.
All that to tell you on May 6, I was making dinner waiting for Rich & the pups to get home. Sure enough, there was a lot of steam/smoke. SO I am running around turning on fans & opening windows. Rich comes home & as soon as the dogs are in the house, alarm goes off.
Volos does not deal well with this at all. Freaks out big time. The one time when power was out for awhile, a beeping from the panel & alert from the smoke detectors goes off. He was shaking so badly, we had to go sit in the car.
Well Rich & I are trying to get this under control and close the garage door so no one runs off. FINALLY we stop it all. Head back to kitchen to finish up dinner & realize I can't see Volos. We start looking for him, but can't find him. Calling for him... Rich heads outside to look for him. Nothing. Eventually Rich starts looking in the house again (Mind you our house is not that big). Turns out Big Dude hid in a small 12" wide spot between my desk & the wall. Poor guy.
2nd Volos story. We go to this private dog farm with the dogs. Most of the time there are no issues. However the neighbor doesn't like hearing dogs bark. So he'll start out by shooting "caps". If that doesn't deter the noise, he starts shooting his gun. Peryn & Lada.. don't stop. They're used to gun shots.
Volos...not so much. He freaks out trying to hide. It kills me cause there is nothing to do but hold him & talk quietly to him. If we stop going to the farm, this would be the reason. Jerkface.
Volos...not so much. He freaks out trying to hide. It kills me cause there is nothing to do but hold him & talk quietly to him. If we stop going to the farm, this would be the reason. Jerkface.
Now, if you remember last post was about the A.H. aka PERYN....
Today he earned the title for life.
Today he earned the title for life.
Morning-time Mommy is on the floor stretching. Trying to work out a bad kink in her back. Volos & Lada love this as it means Mommy's face is right there to kiss & she can easily hug & hold us. Peryn...not so much. Peryn takes this to mean Volos is up. Volos should play.
This morning while sitting there, Peryn comes across my lap to put his face, with the big ball he's holding, into Volos' face (who's off to my left a bit). Taunting him as per usual.
Well, Volos decided he wanted the ball & went for it. Peryn moved out of the way & what remained was Mommy's upper arm.
So I have a bruised arm, in pain & went to get a tetanus shot. Just need to pick up my antibiotics now. So Peryn doing Peryn things got me injured. Poor Volos has no idea he is the reason I'm crying out in pain.
Such is the life of a dog Mom.
Such is the life of a dog Mom.
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