Friday, May 28, 2021

More Updates May 28 2021

First: The bite. I mentioned it in the last post.  Well, almost a week later and I have a nasty bruise.  No other issues so the shot &  antibiotics are doing their job.     Here's a few pics now that we're a week out.

It's extremely sensitive to touch, but other than that--no major after effects!


She's HERE!!!!!!!!   Born May 27 There were 3 females, so we will be getting one. Which one, we do not know yet.  The breeder wants one for herself. There is the other person in front of us, a breeder that wants one for showing--either sex doesn't matter.  We knew about that person.   SO Essentially If they choose a female, we get the remaining one.

They won't pick until their personalities begin showing. They need to see which one will have the best temperament for a show dog. 

We will not be able to see the pups until they're at least 3 weeks old.  So we have to be more patient.   

Momma Rosie is doing well. As is all the pups. 

So we have a few weeks before we can meet with Momma Rosie and the little pups. We have time to begin prepping for another puppy.  I swore we would never get another puppy, yet here we are again.     

As an aside- there have been several Berners needing homes become available. Unfortunately they've all been male or much older.  I would have loved to bring them home, but we really need a young female.  This is exactly why we've gone this route, through a breeder.   
We know what we need to offset the dynamic of the pack.   If we had a bigger home & yard...more pups would be welcome.

So I'll share a few more pics I was sent today.    We don't have any more information that what I have shared with you.   So You can ask more questions, but we don't have anything else to tell you.

The puppers
Rosie Recovering. See pups in corner

Little babies

Additionally, here is an updated Couch Potatoes photo.

Finally-- I've recently been able to transfer most of my personal home movies (8MM) to digital.  Here we have my baby, my #1 Pupper...Galen to finish out this post.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your new dawghter! Loved the Galen video! Love to all, Carol and Toni
