Status: Anxiously waiting for some word.
February 28 2021
So We've been discussing on filling the 4th "spot" in our line up. When would we do it? What would we want? Etc Etc.
Ideally, we would want a female Bernese puppy. However there are a few factors on that track. Finding a breeder, getting on a list (many request a deposit) and would take anywhere from 9-18 months.
We did fill out an application with a Bernese breeder here in Ohio. However ..we have no idea if and when that would ever pan out.
Next option would be a rescue. The problem with this is when would one be rescued? , would it be a female?, would it be near us? Bernese dogs do not stay in shelters or Rescues long. These dogs are highly sought after and are very expensive for purebreds via breeder.
To give you an example, about a month or so ago a Bernese female ended up with Berea's rescue organization. She was gone 15 mins after they opened. We only know this because we called about her.
So by this time we know we without a doubt want a female Berner.
The only cemented time frame that we had was after our vacation. So starting March we are actively looking.
Last Tuesday {2/23} while on vacation I logged into Facebook while eating breakfast. In one of my groups, a Cleveland area Bernese Group someone shared a Rescue's post.
There is a young female Berner available for adoption. Another puppy mill rescue. She's 2.5 yrs old and looks JUST LIKE VOLOS.
The timing was perfect. I sent an email requesting info. In the response was instructions and an application. Completed & returned.
During our drive home {2/25} we received a call from someone from the vet to inform us that they were following up on our application. It sounded really encouraging.
Later on as we got closer to home we spoke to the Foster Mom. The dog, currently named Tippy, sounds just like Volos did. She sounds so sweet and would be perfect for us.
Yesterday one of my references called to let me know they spoke to her.
I know today Tippy had a vet appointment.
So we are being considered, however I don't know more than that.
Mar 3
I am a bundle of nerves. I am not good at waiting. I just want word that she is indeed ours. I think I will email them later to find out.
Just so nervous.
Mar 4
I caved and mentioned it on FB. I just have all this nervous energy and am so excited. Also petrified we won't get her. Never gone through this.
So yes... we're waiting to find out if we're lucky enough to bring home another beautiful puppy.
We've done it before with 4 and that includes when we had Athena at her most "reliant on us" and a new dog (Volos) . So I know we can do it again.
She would round out our pack perfectly and ...just the thought of another cuddly Berner!!!!!!!
SO here's the Pictures they posted. PLEASE send all positive energy, vibes, thoughts, etc our way.
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Isn't she beautiful? Volos' daughter? |
And the post title: Ziva. Yeah we've already picked a name. We're keeping with the Slavic God/Goddess theme in their Names. Fingers x'd we didn't jinx ourselves.
Rich originally wanted another, but I didn't like the name. So I chose this one.
Ziva is the Slavic goddess of life and fertility.
Another spelling for Veles is Volos
Mar 5
Because of her situation prior to entering the rescue, she is almost like Volos was in the beginning. Timid, quite like a Ninja, & unsure. Volos took 8 weeks before he made a sound. It was a gradual coming out of his shell. Had I been a foster parent, I wouldn't have sent him to a home at 14 days.
Discussing Volos and remembering how he was is what brought clarity. This is on her time table. When she is calm & secure enough, then they'll contact those that applied for her.
So that being said-- we'll keep you posted when she lets the foster Mom know she's ready for a transition.
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