Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Pupdate: January 28 2020

Hi. Thanks for checking in.  Let's get right to it.

Peryn: Peryn. Peryn. Peryn. What can I say?  He's OBSESSED with the basement and playing with the ball down there. He does not care if he's alone or not. I know he prefers an audience, but he will be down there for HOURS.  Sometimes he's quiet and you can hear the ball rolling around down there as he
pushes it. Other times you can hear him slam it into the support poles.   Then there are the days where he's barking as he plays, letting us know he's not happy being by himself. 
And finally there are the times where he comes up to bother us and get us to follow him.   

He does this longer on the days he doesn't have play care and even still on play care days.

He's eased up on his "intensity" towards Volos and has tried to get him to play on the few occasions.
He Maybe one day....

Lada: She is indifferent to Volos until Mommy pays attention to him.  She's not as insane about him getting attention from me like she is with Peryn.   It's like she understands he needs extra loving. 

Sigh.  Where to begin.....She's getting worse.  She's so tiny in her back legs and waist.   She barely tries to get up on her own these days.  When she does, she's often dragging her legs.

In the mornings, she either sleeps until Rich takes her out or if she's up and mentally active, I'll take her out.  Most of time she has left a "chocolate egg".    Sadly, they have been getting smaller as she eats less.      

After a full day at playcare
 When we take her out, we have to often straighten out her legs before we place her down.  The disease makes her legs cross and are rigid in that pose.   Most often times she ends up sitting in a position she is unable to get out of (and often facilitates bowel movement).   She cannot move until we assist her.    We have to keep an eye out on her to make sure she doesn't fall. Unfortunately, that's almost all the time now.     

Good news is that she still has full control of her bladder.   

When she does "walk" it's usually for a few steps and then she ends up dragging her legs.  Don't feel too sorry for her as you'd be surprised how FAST she can move.    Especially if she sees someone she wants to greet.

Most days, she sleeps all day and doesn't eat or drink unless I bring stuff to her.   That only happens when I'm home. The days I work downtown, who knows.   Most often I return home to another "chocolate egg".  

Look at her legs & waist
She is most mentally active with her siblings around.  She continuously barks when they play in front of her or downstairs when she isn't with them.  

When she's in her cart--WATCH OUT WORLD. She loves playing with her siblings, going for walks, or just being at play care in her cart.   Unfortunately as much as we would love to let her have that mental stimulation, the physical aspect is too much for her.   

I hate to admit, but I am often very frustrated when dealing with her.   Partially because I have 3 others that require so much freaking attention and partially because where I once could just assist her to her feet and leave her to her own devices--I can no longer do that. 

For example--recently it rained quite a bit.  I wake up and am in my pajamas.  I have to take her outside in my slippers. I place her on the ground and have to fight with her legs.   I get her situated and walk back inside the house to stand at the door. I turn around and she's fallen and is unable to get up.  I have to go back out in the rain and help her up again .   I get her on her feet and she takes a few steps further into the wet grass and falls again.  I have to help her again.   
On mornings where I am getting ready for work, this will throw my whole morning off.  

I bring her inside and if I'm lucky, she'll want to go to the bathroom. Other times, it's her bed in the living room.     

Some mornings, if she hears me interacting or heaven forbid throwing a ball and she isn't there--she begins her barking.  

It's frustrating because it's happening and I can't take it out on her--it's NOT HER FAULT, but with 3 other pups some moments are too much. 
Peryn & Lada are so demanding of attention.  If you've never been around when they're in that mood OR if you don't have a dog-- ignoring them is not an option. 

When I take her in her cart downstairs, that is usually 45 minutes to an hour of my day where I can't do much other than sit and watch.   I've been lucky once or twice that the other too were so high strung, that the 3 of them played downstairs without me.   It was WONDERFUL.    

I may be annoyed and I may resent it at times, but I have to remind myself that I won't have many more days like this with Athena.   The disease is progressing and depending on how fast or what exactly happens next determines our course of action.   

Four dogs wasn't that much of an issue in the beginning.  However once the disease started affecting her on a regular basis, that changed everything.  It is hard.  We are doing all we can to make her as comfortable and happy as we can.

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