Friday, September 27, 2024

Five months of Pupdates-Part 1 -9.27.24


Pupdates:Part 1
Yes, it's been awhile. It has been 5 months since I've had the time or energy to write. These pups have kept us on our toes.   They really do.    

Let's see if I can remember anything that has happened to share:

The pups got to chill out in the pool/pond a bit. We went to the farm a few times, I pulled out the pool for them to chill in, and we attended the end of the year splash.  Khors loves water.  He loves to swim & Peryn loves to just cool down.     It really makes my heart happy to see them enjoy life.

I'm sad to report there won't be anymore farm visits from here on out. Long story short, they're not renewing memberships. We have an alternate place to take them to have them have plenty of room to run.  I just don't like that we'll have other dogs around.  Khors is very particular about other dogs --and--if he gets over stimmed, he's a cranky boy. 

There are 2 other places we can take them next year to cool off--but we'll deal with that next year. 

Momma has left Peryn outside more often than she'd prefer.   Lada once ..and truthfully--I forget....   We're working on making that a thing of the past.

The purple herding ball died.   Lada finally broke through enough to pull up part of it & we had to pitch it. They REFUSE to play with the new one. We've worked on trying to get them to interact with it. Rich has gotten the boys to interact with it when HE plays with them. Lada still refuses to touch it.  She has taken to playing with one of the old soccer balls. Both her & Peryn.   They either "herd it" or play tug with it. 

We said "farewell" to their Jen.  She moved away early this week.  We luckily have Lissette come in to play with them Tues/Thurs.   Learning curve...the dogs getting used to playing with her instead of Jen and Lissette getting used to their play styles.

Well, let's get on with our pupdates....

Pupdate- Peryn

Last I wrote about Peryn, we had decided to start him on injections for his arthritis. 

Before I continue: if you stumbled upon this page randomly & have issues with the injection-we will not engage.  

Peryn is 8 1/2 years old and had began showing signs of mild arthritis.   

We have tried joint supplements, but to get him to take a pill (or anything he does not want) is a WWE match.  It takes way too much effort to give the dog anything that would benefit his health. Especially a daily one. Our vet told us about the injection, Librela, that helps dogs who have arthritis.   There is much controversy surrounding this drug.  I did my due diligence in reading both sides before putting Peryn on it. 

After his first shot, like days after,  we noticed an immediate difference.  Jen, who came to the house twice a week to play with them made the same observation. He had more pep in his step & was quite a bit more feisty.    

Peryn has been on the injection for 5 months now & we all agree it has definitely helped him.   He has so much more energy (or maybe not in as much pain?) and he is highly engaged in play.  Where he once just stood & barked when Lada played fetch, he is playing alongside of her. This is definitely new behavior. 

At first, by week 3, you could tell there was a wearing off period, but within 24 hours of the shot he was back at it. Now that he's been on it longer, the final week isn't as noticeable as before. Yesterday, his injection was a week over (over 30 days)   He didn't have noticeable decline either.   We're pleased with the outcome thus far with his injection.   

With his extra energy comes a boost to his A$$h0l3 gene. Daily he's a big pain. He's either taunting Khors with Khors favorite things, growling as Khors when he comes into the bedroom & may decide to jump on the bed. Khors does not take the bait. Peryn continues to play alongside Lada & still steals her balls (remember she is picky to which ones she wants to play with.  He enthusiastically jumps on your toes. He barks in your ear. He also snaps at Ziva when she wants to jump on the bed.  He demands to sit in the front seat of the car & will bully Lada out of the way so he can get it.  He barks and barks and barks when we get up to move in the house & its usually at the others. He just is just a big ole ray of sunshine.  

Physically he jumps in & out of the car, on the bed, and he bugs you more than ever-always wanting to play fetch.    

So fingers crossed we continue having positive effects.

Another change we have also noticed since Volos' passing, he's a bit more affectionate. Whether it's due to his sadness over Volos or his competition with Khors--unknown.  Peryn isn't really a cuddly dog--which is hilarious because we got the puppy so I could have a cuddle bug.    He wants affection on his terms and he's so awkward about it. He comes for attention & either over does it with licks or he growls when you pet or hug him because he doesn't care for being touched but he wants it at the same time. He's a weird little dude.

SO Peryn continues to be the biggest P.I.T.A.


Lada's bestie, Jen recently moved away.  We have a new person coming to play with them on Tues/Thurs. Peryn & Lada have known her their whole lives & she used to come let them out of their crates when they were first being crate trained.   It's been bumpy our first few days, but I am hoping by next week it will no longer be an issue.   Not sure how or when she'll realize she no longer will be seeing Jen.  

Things that are the same: Lada still is obsessed with Momma. She does NOT like sharing & gets in the others face if they attempt to come for any sort of loving.  It's a bit tiresome. She still cuddles with Momma when Momma is sitting down & still shares the pillow & blankets with me.  She still hates sharing her sister with anyone. SO if Ziva & Khors are playing or if Peryn attempts to play with Ziva, Lada is right there being the fun police-shutting it down.   

New Lada things- She & Khors have a weird dynamic.  The two of them absolutely love to run out together to chase after wild life & anyone walking on the trail.  If Khors is outside barking, she'll most likely jump up & head outside to bark alongside of him.  This only goes for the backyard though. 

Ever since we (Mom & I) took her on a drive throughout the area when we visited in May, she has taken to demanding to let her head out the window on drives lately.  It's cute because she hooks her arm over the door & leans her body out as much as she can.

A pretty significant change that happened since Volos' leaving is that she is scared of thunder, lightening, & gunshots.   Now both she & Peryn spent the first 2.5 years of their lives living next to an active gun range. So those types of noises didn't bother them.

After moving, we still hear the shots, but the distance & obstacles absorb a lot of the sounds--soo it was much more muffled.   Peryn ended up becoming petrified of rain & thunder because of day care.   The rain on the metal roof was loud to the point he hated being there when it rained (and eventually just being there).  

Peryn got WORSE because Volos was afraid of all sorts of noises-- beeps, alarms, thunder, & the two boys would get all clingy & shaking when the noises presented themselves.   In the past year, Lada has taken on the same reactions. She shivers at thunder & lightening. And gunshots and fireworks. So she & Peryn are two peas in a pod when that happens.       

The difference that makes Lada much worse-- she tries to climb up me.  Her nails HURT. She digs her claws into me--usually on my upper torso-so I always end up getting hurt and trying to calm her down.   Fun times!

Otherwise Lada is the same. Still my loyal companion, BFF, co-pilot & guardian. 

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