Saturday, May 4, 2024

...It's been awhile

 I know. I know.  There have been few Facebook posts & 2 months of no blog posts.

It's a mixture of things.  The biggest & saddest is that my heart hasn't been in it.  Volos' passing hit me hard & still weighing heavy on my heart.   His silly antics,

shredding boxes for example, are no more. We received a few big packages & opening them was sad since none of these guys have an interest in boxes.

The other thing is we haven't gone much of anywhere because the farm has been out of commission.  My back is really messed up, so I am not on my feet a lot.   And truthfully, this bunch of bullies don't allow me much time to sit down & work on the page.  

Or when something happens, it's usually a big thing & I despise typing anything up on my phone.   SO I tell myself, when I get on my PC.  Then when I get to sit down & work on my PC....i'm hit with exhaustion.   My new schedule is brutal.  Going back into the office isn't all that fun.

That being said, there have been happenings. 

Starting with Peryn.

Peryn is a bit chunky. We're trying to get him to slim down, but that's the thing. This dog doesn't eat much.  He is the pickiest eater. Throw in the fact that even trying to give him a pill, hidden withing anything, is the biggest project.    He smells a pill pocket, he runs off. He smells easy cheese, runs off.  Put it in the middle of a sandwich, he spits it out.  This dog just KNOWS there is something we're trying to give him. 

His age (or his weight) is starting to show.  He now hesitates a bit before jumping on anything.  We attempted to give him a supplement  We've had this bag of supplements for 2 weeks now and he's only been given 4.  He has refused the rest.   
So we've made the decision to let him get an injection instead.   It's easier than chasing him down to give him medication or food laced medication. 
He's come a long way with his interactions with Ziva. The two of them have played together a time or two. He attempts to climb on her back (from the side) and she welcomes it most of the time (more on that later.

He & Khors still have a tentative agreement not to bug each other.  Sometimes Peryn remembers sometimes he doesn't.   Now we're just waiting for the day when Peryn & Khors wrestle.

He still barks & acts like a fool when Lada is playing fetch. He has also been hanging out on the bed a lot more. If nothing is going on & he's not feeling social, he is in the bedroom on the bed just chilling.  

He is still not a fan of the vet, but outside of the house he's a very well behaved dog. He jut becomes the little A.H. here at home.   
Still loves his herding ball and still loves fetch. in fact the day of the eclipse, during the time we awaited the sun to be covered, we sat outside playing fetch with Peryn & Lada.  The two of them had a blast.
Khors was out there keeping guard, protecting us from those on the walking path.

Peryn pretty much prefers being a homebody or just him & Lada.   Not a fan of daycare. He can tolerate it when his favorite person, Joyce comes to visit, but still not a fan. 

Took them to the dog park last weekend & he played fetch most of the time. Ran after a few dogs & walked with the pack through the trails.  We took him to another park a few weekends ago & it was more of the same.
That's the extent of his socialization.  

There really isn't anything different to say about her.  She is very consistent in her behaviors & attitude.   

She gets to see her favorite person twice a week. She plays with her sister quite often (no one else can have fun without her).
She IS a teeny bit more possessive as of late.  None of the dogs can look at me before she's growling or whining at them. 
I guess the one new thing is Khors & her patrol.    When he's out there & starts barking, she goes flying out there to be next to him to bark along side of him.   They have a little partnership of sorts.

Still Mommy's baby.   She sleeps while I work. Looks for Jen when it's time and expects us to go to the basement to play when we're not doing anything else. 

The minute Khors & Ziva start wrestling she must break it up to wrestle with Ziva instead.   She is the only one each of the dogs are allowed to interact with, anyone else and she has to interrupt.
 She's still leery of Khors, but not enough to snap at him. Caught her reprimanding him the other day.

We did bring out the ball launcher a few times & she's still crazy obsessed with that. She still does it wrong.    
You look at it, she gets hyper focused on it.   You move to where it's hidden, she focuses on it. 

She loves that dang thing.   She is still very particular about which balls she will play with .  We have a crate full of balls that can be played with & she'll only choose one.   
If that one gets taken from her while playing, she won't pull out another. She may sniff them to check, but most likely a new one isn't the right one.

Lada with the launcher

She's good otherwise. We'll be going on another road trip in a few weeks.  Will be interesting to see how she does being away from Ziva.

As I said, Lada is the one thing consistent in our lives.  The only thing that really changes is the intensity of her possessiveness.


Ziva is definitely one of the dogs which a lot has changed.   We don't know if this is just a result of her growing up or if Volos' death really changed her as well.

Ziva had LOVED hanging outside. In the winter, in the spring, in the summer...she wanted to be outside all the time.  I bought the insulated curtain door covering for that reason alone to allow her the freedom to move inside & out when she felt like it. 

Nothing used to scare her. She was our chill unflappable dog. Thunder & lighting-nothing. Gun shots-nothing. Fireworks- made her twitch, but she was still pretty cool.
These days she does not like being outside. She does her business & comes back in. Gone are the days of lying down to rest.  She does not like to lay outside on the patio or patio steps at all.   She's always indoors. 

Fireworks, gun shots, & loud thunder scare her.  If she is outdoors when a gun shot from the range goes off, she flies into the house.  Thunder--the same.

However, she loves playing with her pack. She loves this more than anything. If you reside in this house, she loves to play with you.  With humans it's usually tug with whichever toy she has.   She'll also run around with you to jump on you.   She loves interacting with both of us.  She loves to grab a tennis ball and run around with the others if they're playing with the herding ball or just playing fetch. 

She actually likes the ball launcher.   She gets excited to play when it is brought out. 

With the dogs, she is more involved. Khors is her favorite wrestling partner when it involves knock down body wrestling.  She & him also love tug.    She loves to destroy Khors' toys.     If it's a new toy, she has to play tug on it in order to rip it in half.   No one is allowed to have a new toy otherwise she ruins it.

When she's wrestling with Khors & Lada isn't too focused on fetch, she will interrupt and take over to get into it with Ziva.   The two of them adore each other so very much.    Ziva loves to run around with Lada when they play with the herding ball. 

She's calmed down a lot.  On the days she is not at daycare, she sleeps most of the time.  She doesn't bug me as much as she used to.  She does enjoy her treat puzzles & snuffle mats.   Let's face it this girl acts like she starves on a daily basis.   She is always looking forward to food & snacks.

One good thing though is she is a lot more affectionate that she was. She comes by for hugs and kisses regularly.   She still off on her own a lot, but she does show a lot more affection that last year at this time. 

She comes for me anytime they're downstairs without me.  She wants her back together.   If Momma's not with them, screw it!

The one thing for sure, she loves her baby brother. He's been very good for her. They get along well together & are BFFs.

to be continued....

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