Hard to believe two weeks have already gone by with him.
It's been different. Interesting. A challenge.
Let's start with our biggest issues:
He's aggressive towards Peryn. Not all the time, but it's been enough where Peryn does not trust him & avoids him.
It will definitely happen if food is involved & they are in close proximity. The bigger issue is when he's gone after him during play time.
We've begun working on that as much as we can. It'll take time, but we do have that.
He's run off twice now. Once with Rich & the other with me. We're working on that as well. I'll discuss more in detail later.
He's a counter surfer. Worse than Ziva. Ziva would surf the items on the edge & steal if it took minimal effort. He will get on his hind legs & steal off the counter.
Good things:
He's a sweetheart to humans in the house. He's on guard against those outside. He loves Ziva. He's a cuddler. He's housebroken. He's got his basic commands. He LOVES to be brushed.
So the big developments :
He had his vet visit yesterday. He is indeed a "puppy" as in over 1 but not 2. His energy is definitely puppy related. We remember Ziva a year ago & she was very energetic. She has calmed down quite a bit.
He still has some health issues we're working with. He has a yeast infection in his ear, near the end of treating his dermatitis, & he may have allergies. Plus we learned today that he has intestinal worms. So we have loads of meds for him.
His incision healed nicely & he was pretty much given the go ahead. So yesterday he went to daycare.
During the week leading up to this, he began getting the zoomies in the house. He also bolted out of the house & hasn't really gotten to let out his energy. There was a game of chase in the basement the other day, so we knew daycare was going to be needed.
Our hope is once he begins having a regular outlet for his energy, he may ease up on Peryn as well as not run off.
They all went yesterday and as of almost 3PM on Saturday, they're all passed out. They've been like this all morning. Hopefully this will keep up once he gets in a regular schedule.
We're probably going to eventually only send the Berner's to playcare. Peryn does not like it. Yesterday he was pretty traumatized between the vet, rain & being forced to go to daycare.
Peryn at the vet |
At the vet |
Lada can go maybe once a week. She's got her buds, she tries to interfere in her siblings play, but ultimately her & Peryn would be best to stay home.
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