Hey. Sorry for the delay between postings. The hoomans have been quite busy between turning a half century old and training for Continuing Education Credits, Posting about the Crew has been the last thing we've had a chance to focus on.
So, since this is literally on my mind because it just happened...
Have I mentioned on Volos is very set in his ways? He is all about routine & things he is comfortable with.
2020- coming to the front door
For example: Car rides. He freaking loves car rides. We don't have to go anywhere, just his being in the car is enough. Long ride. Short ride. Does not matter. However, a few things matter. First, I HAVE to be the one driving OR going on the car ride. He will not go when called if Rich is leaving the house. Nope. Rich has to come put a leash on him if he wants Volos to come with him in the car.
Second, sometimes in the mornings he will NOT get in the car with me--if it's him by himself. He doesn't trust me or it's because it's not normal..... Now this is early mornings only. Later in the day, nothing is stopping him.
Third, if we stop ANYWHERE unfamiliar to him & get out, he will sniff around a second or twos and then tries desperately to get back inside. Doesn't matter if it's a friend trying to give him some loving--if he doesn't know the place he wants ZERO to do with it. Trust me, we've tried.
Took him to my old neighborhood to visit a friend who Peryn![]() |
Done! Let me in!!! |
Now to give you an example of a routine that he does not like to stray from. When we first adopted him, we couldn't use our back door as there were no stairs. We took all the dogs out the front door and around to the side of the house.
When we finally added steps a few months later, it took a few days for him to get used to the new process. The first couple of times he walked around the house to the front door. Eventually he was used to the back door.
Every time we went outside, we went out and in the back door. The only change up is if we went for a car ride, then in & out the garage door.
When we got the patio put in, those days of not being able to use the back door were something else. Trying to get him to go out the front door was a chore. We do not go out the front door. When we did get him out the door, he went jogging quickly to the backyard
Then proceeded to try and come in the back. Walking through the mess that was to be our patio. He sighed with relief when he was able to use the door again. He was even happier to find a big step for him to sit on top of instead of a small wooden step.
His safe space
Back when we first adopted him & he would stay in the front room, he had a routine with their brush chews. The morning routine since Galen, Sheba & Duchess was to wake up in the morning. Go outside & when they came back in they would be given their brush chews. I'm allowed to switch it up by giving the chews first & then outside.
When we first got Volos, he'd be let out of the crate & come happily into the kitchen because he knew it was treat time. I'd give him his and he would proceed to run back to the front bedroom/office to finish it up.
Obviously over time he no longer hides in the front rooms at night, he's usually in bed with me. However, more often then not he will run to the front of the house when I am handing out the brush chews & then coming running back into the kitchen for his when he's done. It's silly, but it's him.
So all this to say that since I started walking him & Peryn, I discovered even THAT has his trademark routine. Depending which way I walk (taking the trail North or taking it South), will determine just how noticeable this is to you.
I first noticed this when walking them the trail N to S. When coming up upon my house, he would start pulling towards the neighbors front yards the closer we got to home. He pulls like he's trying to go into their backyard. Once I got him home & into the garage if I did not close the garage, once I took the harness off him he would skittle away out of the garage & around the house to the backyard. Eventually during one walk, I took off the leash when we were on the side walk & there he went. Straight towards the backyard to the back door.
When walking the trail S to N, he does it a bit differently. No matter the speed he was walking prior, once we hit the home stretch (just before the turn onto our street) he starts hauling butt. He then speed walks to the house. I can try all I want to get him into the garage, but once that leash is let go....skedaddles to the back yard. Waiting for me at the back door when I'm done with Peryn.
So now, once I hit our driveway I have to try & get him to stop so I can remove the leash (or harness) to set him free. I do my thing & take everything off Peryn. Peryn & I come in the house, take off my coat & shoes, then make my way to the back door. Open everything up & there he is waiting patiently.
If we make the mistake of leaving the garage door open when we come back from a trip to the farm or anywhere, he'll choose that route EVERY TIME!
Try to get him out the front door though....nope. He won't do it. SO yes, Volos is all about routines & familiarity. You may divert from either when you are within the confines of home & he'll usually adapt.
All bets are off otherwise.
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