Monday, May 16, 2022



No my kiddoes aren't spoiled.  I've mentioned Volos does not care for daycare.  He's not really a social dog dog... He will sniff new dogs, but he doesn't care to interact with them.  He likes his pack. He tolerates them most days, but it has to be at home.   

Most days he just loves to lie right at my feet & sleep until it's time to move.  I'll admit that I spoil the heck out of him.   This I am positive is another big reason he does not like leaving to go to daycare. 

Often I run errands at lunch which may or may not include grabbing lunch. When I get lunch, he gets lunch.  If I don't head out at lunch, as soon as he knows I'm logging off (they all know the sound of me pulling out my ID card) he gets super excited because most likely I am taking him on a drive. 

Most of the time it is exactly that, a drive.  We drive around the area & he just lies there relaxed. Happy to be in the car moving.  Today was another drive. No destination planned, but if I run into my old friends in the old neighborhood--he may get a pet or two. 

He is so content just to hang with me.  He loves people, well he loves getting attention from people.  Pets. Cuddles. Snuggles.  Makes his day.

Went to the farm yesterday & he was happy to walk between Daddy & me.  Occasionally he'd come up to the water & drink or go to where the pack was, but most of the time he was lying right by me  (in the shade).   He's not a summer dog at all. He does not like being hot & uncomfortable. 

Volos is all about structure & routines. Anything that disrupts that, he is NOT a fan.  

Ziva has recovered from her spay & umbilical hernia surgery.  She is NOT a dog you should keep from daycare or other dogs.  She likes to play. She loves to do her thing.  We had to keep her sedated to keep her from getting too wound up because she was not getting to play.  The last two days before suture removal I stopped medicating her.  I regret it.  She was OBNOXIOUS! I kid you not this dogs was PSYCHO!  She was so happy to be back among her peers.

If I could only send her, I would.  Thing is Lada, Peryn & Volos think it's play time when they're home from daycare.   Maybe I should only send the girls.  

When we went to the farm yesterday, Ziva had a B L A S T!  She loves the water even though she hasn't tried swimming yet.  She loves to wade in it & splash. She loves running with Peryn & Lada. She especially loves running with Lada.   Ziva worships her tiny sister.

Peryn is Peryn.  There really aren't many stories as of late for him.  He lives to torture Volos to the point Volos goes after him & he runs.   He always wants to play fetch. Every evening he comes to me with his ball, wanting me to throw it.
HE wants to go in the basement to either play with the herding ball or chase tennis balls with Lada. 

He had a blast at the farm because he has access to water to cool him down. This allows him to last longer when playing fetch.

He goes INSANE when Rich packs the herding ball to take with us. Dude gets in the car & immediately tries to herd the ball INSIDE THE CAR!   Ball is Life is no joke when we say it's his motto.

Lada. ...

Lada is such a complex gal.  She absolutely adores her family/pack. Always has. She loved playing or annoying Duchess & Athena. She has always loved hanging with Peryn.  She's formed a bond with Volos & she absolutely L O V E S wrestling with her baby sis.  

She is the glue, the heart of this family.  She is the one that brings everyone together.   She really loves with every fiber of her being.  She is also insane & very possessive of Momma.  She can handle 'sharing' every once in awhile.  She'll allow some attention to the others, as long as she's getting some at the same time. 
Then there are the days where she is like NOPE! NOT HAPPENING. BACK OFF. 
That's when Momma's hers & hers alone.  She even gets like that with Rich.

Rich comes & kisses me when I'm lying in bed, before he gets ready.  A lot of the time, she just lets it be.  The other times, nope.  She will fly out of her little nest in the bed & block him from getting to me.   

She's my BFF.   My co-pilot.   She also drives me insane with her crazy need for my attention ALL.THE.TIME.

When her attention isn't on me, I enjoy watching her wrestle with the Berners.  Peryn & Her herd the ball or play fetch.  That's their thing.  They used to wrestle all the time, but Peryn doesn't do that anymore.   

She also has a few friends at daycare as well.  She's our social butterfly. 
But she's clingy as....actually both her & Volos are. Heaven forbid I grab my keys or even put on shoes.  The two of them are at the door not allowing me an inch to sneak out.   

Her favorite thing is playing fetch with tennis balls. However playing with them has to be with me.  She will continuously try to bring me the ball if anyone else but Jen throws it.  Momma is the center of her world. 

The only thing she does that drives me crazy is chase after the deer.  There is a family of deer that reside in the woods behind us. They like to go to the one side of us & eat seeds.  Then they head across the yard to the other side for water.  She loves to chase them when they're over by the water. 
I'm pretty sure that's what she used to do when she took off in the woods behind our old home--chase deer. 

The deer are getting smarter though. They often pause or wait until I let her out in the morning and once she's back inside you'll see them immediately cross over. She'll often turn around after coming inside & watch in frustration as they do this. She looks up at me like, "Come on Mom! Open the door".   

1 comment:

  1. Pictures are adorable! Thank you for sharing the pups! Carol and Toni
