Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Pupdate April 10 -now

started this blog post 4.10 

So our newest development involves Peryn & Ziva.  I have yet to see it in action, but have seen pics of the beginning of play.  I even witnessed some this morning.  I am really happy about this development because it seemed like Peryn was going to continue being a jerk to her forever.   (newer update 4.20- they started to play this morning & it turned into a rumble. Peryn still is a jerk)
We look forward to the day where they full on wrestle.   It'll be good for them both.  Peryn really needs a dog that will full on play with him.   Ziva will finally have the whole pack wrapped around her paw like Lada does.    

Volos was NOT a happy camper this week.  He went to playcare Monday & Thursday.  Monday cause one of his favorite people were going to be there and Momma had to leave for a doctor appointment.    Thursday because he had a grooming appointment AND we had some people working at the house.   By Friday he was ready to let off some steam so he took it out on some boxes.   Boy loves to tear those things up.  It's cute, but very very messy.   
It makes him happy though, so what can we really do?

Nothing new to really report on Ziva. She continues to go to training class with her Daddy. She continues to be a complete Daddy's girl.   She is a sweet giant girl who loves everything.  
She still continues to do little puppy things that irritate you or that you have to yell at her for, but you cannot stay long because of her sweet gentle nature. 

4.20.22 UPDATES:

1. She graduated from training

2. She's outgrowing her obnoxious puppy attitude

3. She weights 86#

4. She is being spayed next week

I really need to call in for an appointment for Volos.  Time for his 6 month blood work & need to have the vet review the spots where his newest bumps & lumps are.  They need to determine which ones are normal old doggy bumps, ones that are too small & the ones we need to remove.   I'm not happy about the ones I have found. There are a number of different size & type comparatively. 

FLASHBACK!  Peryn used to play with other dogs before he became ball obsessed


another vid I put together of the Berner's playing together


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