I cannot believe a month has passed. I don't know where time is going .... I'll tell you these pups.... They sure keep us busy.
Starting with the baby...
Ziva. Ziva. Ziva. Long gone is our cute, sweet little baby girl. We have a monster on our hands. This girl is big. The biggest (size wise) of all the dogs. She's about 5 lbs away from Volos, but gaining. She is a little more than 50% of her adult size.
She is the sweetest most loving dog you will ever meet. HOWEVER.... She does NOT listen. She eats ANYTHING she finds. She jumps up to hug anyone who visits.
The worst is the eating/chewing anything & everything. If it's at her level, it'll be in her mouth. The items she's destroyed (shoes, Christmas cards, boxes, etc. ) or eaten is absolutely ridiculous. Her most recent big thing was the 6" long toy rope. She came home from day care the other day due to throwing up. In the AM we found the rope in the midst of a pile. She's too quick for us at times.
We cannot wait for her to grow out of this phase (we hope she does).
She is the dog that day care is made for. She loves playing with her friends & her sister at day care. I've even had to hire someone to come on their day off from day care to play with them for an hour to give me a break during my lunch time.
It has been successful as they absolutely love their companion. When the hour is up, they are practically passing out in my office.
Lada & Ziva are BFFs. They are constantly wrestling in the house. It is cute & really makes us happy that Lada has a companion & Ziva has an outlet for her puppy energy.
Lada: Lada is still Lada. Protective of the family (her pack included) and loyal to Momma. Occasionally allowing one of the others to get affection from Mom, more often not.
She loves to play fetch with the tennis ball when playing with the humans, but absolutely loves wrestling & running with her baby sister.
She hasn't forgotten her brothers either. She still engages with Volos & Peryn when appropriate.
As of the last month & half she doesn't want to go to day care. We force her to go because she is one of the ones that need to go. Plus if Ziva is going to be there, Lada is. I think it has to do with the fact that Volos hasn't been going. She doesn't like that he's home alone with me.
If she had her way, she would play with every one of the pack & keep me to herself. She absolutely loves their weekly companion, it's almost competition for me (ha ha). No her companion is # 3 on her list of favorite people on the planet after Me & Rich.
Peryn. Peryn is Peryn. Still a jerk. Still a bully. He's seemed to have softened a little bit. There is "some" acceptance of Ziva. I've heard that he almost plays with her at daycare. At home if he's not chasing a ball or playing fetch, he'll try to taunt her (not as obnoxious about it as he is with Volos).
Peryn is accepting of whoever I have had to come play with him. IF it means he gets to play fetch or have someone down there when he pushes the ball, he's all for it.
He taunts Volos, but not as much. I think because he splits his attention between Volos & Ziva or playing with Lada it's eased up a bit. Don't get us wrong, he's still a world class Jerk....just a very cute one.
Volos- my baby. my boy. I adore this dude so freaking much. He began showing reluctance in going to day care, so we began allowing him to stay home.
Then on Dec 1 he had surgery to remove 2 more Mast Cell Tumors (MCT) & he was kept home until stitches came out. He is back at daycare today just to get him out of the house, but he'll most likely be back home tomorrow.
He isn't a social dog. He isn't a playful dog (not the way he would need day care for) and he isn't for dogs getting up in his business. We send him to keep him socialized & all that but he goes sparingly now. He ABSOLUTELY loves being home with me. During my breaks I get on the floor to cuddle with him. He gets so excited about that.
If I run an errand, he is in the car with me. If I just sit around, he's right there with me. He's a chill dog overall so day care is just a thing every so often. Lada is very jealous of that. However she NEEDS it , he doesn't.
His MCTs were low grade with clear margins, so we're doing ok until we find more that need to be removed.
At night where he once was reluctant to climb into bed to lay on me, he no longer is. That is HIS SPOT. I often wake up & find him there. He no longer needs prompting. Mommy is his night-time spot.
Ziva still pretty much can do whatever she wants when it comes to Volos. Not one to share his food, treats, or toys, Ziva can take what she wants. It may not be super obvious, but he adores her. She forced herself into his life and now he just accepts it. It's pretty darn cute.
Their favorite thing to do is lay at the bottom of the stairs & destroy toys or cardboard boxes. They're so silly.
Thank you so much for the pictures! Absolutely LOVE them! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!