Saturday, August 14, 2021

Pupdate: August 13 2021

 Welcome welcome.    It's been an exciting few weeks that is for sure.      So let's get right to it...

Ziva. I love this pup.   She is seriously the most chill puppy I have ever come across.  Now I don't know if that is necessarily cause she just is awesome or if she's been trying to get a lay of the land.   I've kept daily notes of the things she's done & progress so I can share with you.  

Before I get to that, the other dogs....  were NOT a fan. Ziva was used to having her mom & siblings to play with, so when she came here she didn't hesitate to approach the pack.   They've either ignored her, ran away from her (Volos), growled or snapped at her and plain old didn't want to have anything to do with her.   It was heartbreaking cause she just wants to play.

When Peryn & Lada are playing fetch outside, she runs along side them.  Rich has taken to walking her with Peryn as he works on her leash training.   Slowly we've seen a thaw of sorts.   If she wants to take something from them, they don't snarl, they sometimes let her take it.  They may just do a low growl.   Volos doesn't run from her anymore. He's allowed her to hang out near him.   Lada doesn't straight up go after her when I give her attention.  Even this morning I believe Peryn tried playing with her.    Progress!

Let's get to the updates: 

Aug 2- we learned the pens are useless to keep her in.   She jumped up on the side & climbed over the top. She discovered the area behind the couch could be used to travel through (I call it the Expressway).  She used it many times & got stuck in the lamp cord, pulling it off the table & breaking it. 

Began noticing some issues with her going in the house. She was going way too often. Sometimes there was pee, sometimes there was a drop, there was blood at times.   It was way more than potty training issues.   I was sure she had a UTI.

August 3-she went missing.   Turns out she was lying beneath my Mom's open recliner.  When Mom began to close the recliner, it "swept her under". When I went looking for her & couldn't locate her Mom asked if it was possible for her to fit under the recliner. Opened it up & there she was. Didn't make a peep.

Got in touch with the vet & dropped off a urine sample.

August 4- Had a bunch of energy.  Played in the basement at lunchtime. She had a visitor.  She also ran outside along with her siblings.

August 5- Mom & I had somewhere to be & we didn't want to leave her alone -esp if she had a UTI.   Daycare watched her on the "secure" side for a few hours.   

August 6-Stinker stole my Hawaiian Scooby off the shelf again. Figured it out when I heard the metal scraping across the floor. This was the 2nd time she did this. 
Saw some signs that she may be like Volos with toys. Kept coming in the room to take a toy from the toy box & take it in the other room. 
Mom & I went to visit some cemeteries & we took her along for the ride. She slept the whole time, cuddled up next to me. 

She barked at some walkers on the path behind the house.   
Doesn't have a UTI, but possible vaginitis. Given some anti-inflammatory & probiotic to put her on. 

August 7- Rich took her on 2 walks.  She was locked in the crate for the first time while we left for a few hours.   Later she got to play in the basement. She did pretty well.

August 8- Went out to breakfast, she was left in the crate a few hours-again she did well.  She was extremely playful. While outside she ran with the ACDs while playing fetch. She's obsessed with the rocks around our patio & she took off to the front of the house.  Scared the living daylights out of us when we realized how quickly she disappeared.

August 9- When I let them out in the early morning, she was lying in the rocks-playing with a bug.  She did a bit of chasing her tail.   She was EXTREMELY playful playing with the toys. Showed her 'Volos like tendencies' again.   She had some mini-zoomies.   
Brought out the pool & she splashed in with me & the ACDs.  Was extremely cuddly.  Little stinker got into the bathroom trash--so had to clean that up.

AND----she looked so much bigger. In fact, she's now bigger than Lada.

August 11- She jumped up on the couch. No more multiple attempts, she now can jump up from the floor. 

Thawing in the puppy relationship is noticeable.

August 12- I had to go into the office, so she was left alone by herself in her crate.  I came home to a silent house.  She was pretty non-reactive to my coming home & letting her out. As I said, she's very chill. 

She now likes to jump up on the couch & climb up on the back of it.    
She got a new toy that the boys took from her.  When she tried to take it back, they let her!

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