Sunday, April 25, 2021

Pupdate: April 25,2021


The last pupdate focused on Volos, so who is next?  I'm going to go with my partner in crime. The goodest of girls.  My sweet psycho Lada. 

Rich is the one who asked if we could get a 4th dog.  After raising 3 for so long, it sounded insane. He wanted a playmate for Peryn.  He wanted a dog for himself.    
I said Yes, but was filled with anxiety at the thought of a 4th dog.    
At the time I was extremely sick (recovering from bronchitis) but we made the trip to Burbank, Ohio to pick her up.

To say she chose me from the moment she saw me would not be stretching the truth. She literally jumped in my arms & on my shoulders when I went to greet her.  The rest as they say is history.

Lada is very energetic.  She has the nickname Psycho because she doesn't do anything half heartedly.

She's a lot of love in a small fur package. She can also JUMP.  She often has escaped the play area at daycare if she thought Mommy (or something better) was in the office.   The only thing that keeps her there is that she wants to be. 

Lada & Peryn took to each other right away. They were BFFs in an instant.  She got along very well with Athena.  Her relationship with Duchess was different. To some it would look like she was constantly "attacking" Duchess, but that's how they played.  Duchess never laid a paw or tooth on her although she sure deserved it. 

Lada loves to be with Mommy.  Now you may think, well my dog loves to follow me around too. No. Lada must have me in sight almost all the time.  She freaks out if she thinks I'm not around.  

She loves Peryn and Volos to death. She has different relationships with each of them.  She does love her Daddy.   She loves playing fetch with Mommy more than anything other than sleeping with Mommy.

Since Duchess she has taken on role of "The Protector". She barks at people walking by. She barks at people at the door. Even people she used to let in without issue get barked at.   

She does love Daddy too.  Don't get me wrong..Daddy gets plenty of loving, but you really can't compare against her love for Mommy.

She owns the passenger seat in the car. It belongs to her. If a human is sitting in it, she expects them to hold her (this doesn't always happen, but she does try).  On our trips to and from Tenn she sits there, refusing to sleep and watches me non-stop. I used to always try to tell her to sleep, but she just watches me. 

She ALWAYS expects me to hold her (after she jumps into my arms) when we are some place. Pick her up at daycare, jump into my arms.  
At the dog park, Jumps into my arms.   At a rest stop on a road trip, jumps into my arms.  Talking with neighbors, jumps into my arms.    

At the one Cattle Dog meetup she sat on my lap facing me while I held her.   Many commented they had never had seen that before.    She loves Momma.    Momma loves her.


She's obsessive.  Obsessive when she's playing. Obsessive when she's kissing. If she wants to be in your lap or arms, she will be in your lap or arms. She's very agile to keep her down.

She LOVES to give kisses. However there is so much frantic energy in her kisses. It is very difficult to breathe when she is giving you these kisses.  OH and don't you dare laugh.  If you are laughing whole-heartedly she thinks you need kisses.   
Because she is so small, she jumps easily and that is annoying when she wants something and gets on you.

She is the most social of our dogs. She has many different friends at daycare & will play with those she likes.  She's also not afraid to stand up to those who bug her.    

Her favorite toy is a tennis ball. Simple as that. When she does play by herself, she rolls it around in her paws.    That is rare.   Her favorite thing to do with the tennis ball is have Mommy throw it and she retrieves it. 

She does like playing with her herding ball and tug..both with Peryn. 

Essentially all her faults lie with her energy...her unending energy.   

She loves car rides, day care & her small # of approved humans that she will let you know she loves.   

She's a good girl over all.  Annoying at times, but really a very good girl.  She definitely is the one who loves her pack being together.  She's been very loving of all her siblings.  She was wonderful with her older sisters that is for sure, especially Athena in the end. 

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