Saturday, January 30, 2021

Pupdate: Jan 30 2021

Happy Saturday.   This isn't going to be very long--at least I don't think it is.

The pack is doing well. Currently one is at my feet, another is in the foyer on her back making noises, and the big guy is in Rich's office with his little collection of toys (his secondary hoard) .

About a week ago, we began helping Volos into the bed.  He's always slept at the foot or directly beside me. He never attempts to get up on his own. I wanted him in bed for a few reasons.

First, I wanted my pack together. And selfishly I wanted the cuddler in the bed with me.  Second, and maybe the most important reason, they were killing me. I was unable to get a full nights sleep with the way things were.  Peryn & Volos' relationship borders on ridiculous.  If Volos made any sort of moves in the middle of the night, Peryn would get up and start staring or his growling. This would set Volos off with his barking and growling, which would turn into Peryn barking. To top it off, Lada would join in. 
ALL OF THIS on top of me.  I of course always awake when they do this. Rich sleeps like the dead, so he has no clue this is going on.    

The result would often be me up at 3 or 4am. WHILE 4am was my normal wake up time when going to the office, it's not since I work at home all the time.   So my mornings were LONG and I was exhausted. 
My hopes were by having him in the bed, there would be less activity. 

AND IT WORKS!!!! OMG. I sleep in on the weekends. I sleep in until my bladder awakes me between 4-5am or my alarm at 5:15. 

And I LOVE it because reason 3-- Volos snuggles with me or lays on me in some way.  I just sleep better and am happier.    Now Volos.... this dog lives for bedtime now. He LOVES being in the bed.  Some mornings he just watches us move around as he lies there. He is excited for bed time.   The stairs we bought to assist him...a waste. In the beginning he just wanted me to lift him up. Turns out the faker can jump the few feet when motivated.   SMH.

 Right now -the boys are doing their usual schtick.  Volos and Peryn run down to the basement. Peryn plays with his herding ball while barking at Volos. Volos camps out at the bottom of the stairs with his stolen toys and barks at Peryn.  Lada is at my feet hoping I'll bring out the ball shooter.   The nerf dog ball shooter is the ONLY toy that gets all 3 of them riled up. Pure insanity ensues.

March is slowly approaching. March means we're going to start actively looking to bring home another pup.  While we really would love another Berner(Female) to rescue--those are far and in between.  If we wanted to bring home another ACD (which I would love as well) there are numerous out there.  
It's actually sad. When we got Peryn, it was our first foray into ACD's.  We did our homework--and even that doesn't prepare you-but we were prepared.  There were hardly ANY ACD's available for rescue.    Peryn was the right puppy at the right time.  I saw his puppy face and wanted him.  When Rich said "Yeah" it was all over.       BUT over time (5 years) they've apparently become quite popular to the wrong dog owners/parents.   When they start showing breed behavior,  people no longer have the time or need to have them and they end up in shelters.   SMH. If I could save them all. 

Actually I did my usual dreaming when the lottery jackpot gets huge. My dream is to win the lottery and use a larger portion to first- buy acres of land for a dog sanctuary.  And second would be to start a fund to help rescues and pet parents pay medical bills.   

After Athena and joining in a DM support group, I saw the difference having the resources make in a dogs life.  We had the love and resources to buy harnesses, the cart, the medicines, and more to prolong Athena's life.  Not everyone is as fortunate.   It hurt to watch people say goodbye to their pups because they couldn't afford the same.   I want to be able to stop things like that.  Allow the dogs to live out their lives until the disease or the pup says No More. 

I actually dreamt about Galen & Athena (two that never met).  I've actually been thinking about them all lately.  I miss each and every one of them so much and I just get so mad and sad that their lives are so short.   

Well this went on longer than anticipated.  So a few things. 

They're all doing well. They love day care. Lada & Volos are so sweet together. Peryn & Volos still have their weird thing going on. We took them to the farm last week. Froze our behinds off so they could get out and exercise outside the house.  

We're all going on vacation together soon.  We're meeting up with Mom, Dave & their cousin Ricky to go to Gatlinburg!   It'll be the longest car ride the boys have been on (Lada's my TN expert).   Should be fun to get away, see Mom, & still be away from people. 

ONE LAST NOTE: CAROL- Rich got his card.   Oh and another thing- His birthday is the 23 not the 13.