I have a few moments before I start to make dinner.
Overall, there really isn't too much new. The dogs are same as ever-crazy hyper and need an audience named Mom.
They all continue to go to day care except Weds. Volos is coming out of his shell--venturing to attempt to interact and play with other dogs. However there is one problem, Lada. She's pulling with him what she did with Duchess. The second he gets interacting with another dog, she's there breaking it up. SMH.
Volos has discovered the bed. While he does not sleep all night in it with us, before I go to sleep he's gotten up and cuddled with me. He'll sleep for a bit and then eventually get down. Not sure if it's because he's too hot or uncomfortable.
Peryn is still obsessed with Volos. He attempts to engage him in play every day. Sometimes it happens, other times not so much. Having a big brother has been good for Peryn. He's more mentally stimulated with him.
Lada just turned 4 last week. She's the same. Has to be center of attention. Hyper as ever. Loving as ever. She is very affectionate with Volos. They play together at day care and at home. It's sweet to watch.
No other big things... Still at 3 and holding. Although my puppy fever is really bad....
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