Thursday, February 16, 2017

Puppy update 2.16.17

Hey all.    It’s been super crazy. Four dogs can do that to a person!  

It’s really not all that bad.  They’re all getting along for the most part and keeping each other busy and exercised.  Sometimes though, they make me want to pull my hair out. 

We took them to the park again, about 2 weeks later. Again they had a great time. There were other dogs there, so Lada and I stayed away and went to the small dog side. 
Peryn found someone willing to play fetch with him, so he was quite pleased.     No new park visits as of yet.

Ready for the rundown?

Mommy just scolded her

I think competition has been good for her. She’s much more affectionate…well as affectionate as SHE can be.   She’s a lot less standoffish.
She continues to engage Peryn in playtime.  He takes her up on it of course.
She attempts to play with Lada.  They have this weird love/hate relationship.
Lada is both afraid and in awe of Duchess.
She’ll bark a storm at her when they “play” yet she follows her around when outside.

Duchess is definitely a better dog since bringing Lada on board.  Not that there was much wrong with Duchess. She’s always been a good, loyal, protective companion.  
We really got lucky with her.

Athena and Lada have a great relationship.  Just like with Peryn, Athena loves to play with Lada.

The two of them are pretty cute together and Lada adores Athena.
Athena still plays with Peryn, but not to the extent that Duchess and Peryn play.   

Athena is doing well and seems pretty happy.  I adore this girl, so I really don’t have anything negative to say. 
I do think Athena is more engaged with the “pack” than she was before.  
She definitely seeks out affection a lot more than she used to. She’s quite demanding of it really.   It’s nice to see her with us than off by herself like she used to.
Ugh. I hate that camera thing.

Lada has been a godsend for Peryn.   We’ve cut back to 2 days a week in daycare as of late.  I was getting reports that he just wasn’t as enthusiastic about playing as he once was. Either he is missing his sister or the constant play has tired him out.

He’s been a MOSTLY good dog.   In fact a majority of the issues we had that made us start taking him to daycare in the first place are gone. 

We’ve even left him out of his crate when we’ve left a few times. He’s done brilliantly.   

He still wants his fetch every day, but it’s for a smaller window of time than it used to be.

He LOVES his baby sister.   LOVES.  They are constant companions and play all the time.  They’re around each other constantly. It’s really sweet to see. 

The conflict comes when it comes to Mommy giving any affection. Both of them do not like to share me, Lada more than anyone.  They will do their best to block the other from getting to me.   It was cute for like .04 seconds, but it is annoying.

One habit that Peryn has brought back is the walking on me.  He does it to get to me before she does and it HURTS.  

He’s also back to eating poop….  Bad puppy habits he started back up thanks to lil sis.  

HE also has taken to taking exploratory walks off the property.  In fact just a bit ago I was stuck chasing down (at a walking pace) him.  Of course Lil Girl had to join him, so I HAD to follow them. 
I was not a happy camper.   Especially since I was not dressed to be chasing dogs down in 20 degree weather.

You want to play fetch with me all day long.

Hi Mommy

Best Buds

This girl.   She’s a trip.    She’s freaking insane!

She’s also very very sweet and still so tiny.   She just weighed herself and she’s 15.8 lbs.  Almost 6 lbs more than when we brought her home.   Peryn was almost 30 lbs at the same point. 

She is a REAL VELCRO DOG!  Peryn has nothing on her.  While he may pull his possessive mounting of me, she lets them all know I’m hers. End. Of. Story.

She reminds me of ROO from Winnie the Poo.   So I have taken to calling her Roo.   She also is quite the jumper.  So she’s really a kangaroo in a puppy’s body.  

She doesn’t get as bored as Peryn would get.  She can keep herself entertained in the office during a work from home day. Peryn couldn’t ever.  
She LOVES her siblings.  She likes to follow them and mimic them. 
She loves other long as they don’t move.  When then try to interact back, she sort of freaks and runs away.

She loves people though.   She’ll greet anyone.  She looooves are neighbor Kara.  Kara helps out on some of the days I work downtown and she adores the dogs.   Lada adores her back.

She doesn’t have a favorite toy or thing…she just loves a bit of everything.   She is a piggy though. She loves to eat treats and tries to steal them.  She’s a good traveler like Peryn, but Peryn still is the best traveler.

  Annual Cattle Dog Cook Out 2017
We just found out this years Cattle Dog get together is in June.   We're excited to be going again. This year will be even better with Peryn & Lada together!    So we have that to look forward to.

SO that's what's up with the dogs.      They're great and wonderful.   

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