Thursday, May 15, 2014

Check in

I apologize it's been a bit since I posted an update. We've been extremely busy here and haven't had much time to just sit down and write.

So Beautiful.
Athena is doing wonderful. We love and adore her so much. She is just a very happy dog.  She loves to watch. She loves looking out windows and loves to sit or lay in the back yard and just observe (or watch for her nemesis: any squirrel.

In all the years that we've had dogs, Athena is by far the sweetest.  She has the hub wrapped around her paw.

She and Duchess play every day, several times a day. She loves Sheba and is always trying to get her engaged in activities.

I'm trying to upload photos from my phone, but am running into issues.  

She's done with all her meds, but the prednisone. As soon as she finishes with that, she'll be able to be spayed.  

SMILE!  with Mommy

She has a VERY healthy appetite. Some of that may be due to the prednisone. 

She's gotten use to our routine and that makes me very happy.  That was one of my hopes, that she assimilate into our routine with ease.  The hub says most of the time the dogs leave him as he's getting ready to leave for work and they go to their respective spots, where they'll stay while we're away.  

Athena has taken over the ottoman in front of the office window that faces out front.   Duchess takes the bed in the office/guestroom and looks out the same windows from there. Sheba tends to sleep on the floor by the door.

 She adores our neighbor Master Chief. They both wish they weren't tied up so they could REALLY run around with each other.  It is quite adorable to watch.   I know if makes Master Chief's day since NONE of the other dogs have ever played with him.  

Next post I'll discuss how she's healing.    Thanks for checking in on her.
Mommy loves to hug me.

With Daddy & Sheba

Pooped!  Ready for bed.

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