Monday, October 29, 2018

Athena Update-Update (update #2)

It's been very crazy since I posted Thursday morning. 

"Good" news, if you wish to call it that, is that it is arthritis only. 

Doc called and it's not the best news, but considering other issues it could have been, it's ok news.

She has severe arthritis.  Pretty much 70% of her lower spine is riddled with arthritis.   Her hips are bad and so are her knees. 

So it is arthritis as we suspected, but it's a lot worse than we thought.

She is now on medication for inflammation and pain.  She will be on these pills everyday for the rest of her life.   
Small price to pay to allow her to keep going.

She's supposed to go to play-care today.  We'll see how that goes.

Thursday, October 25, 2018


Adopt Me!
For anyone who has followed this blog since day 1 knows that this bog was originally created to track the progress of Athena.  Read the first post chronicling about her condition at adoption HERE .

From day 1 Athena has had back leg issues.  They've never been strong and all indications-callous placement among them-are that she lived in or spent a lot of time in a small cage.   
In the early days watching her run to try and keep up with other dogs was bittersweet.   She wanted to run with them so badly, but her legs didn't give her the strength to keep up.

It was a joy to watch her legs gain strength so that she could easily climb stairs, keep up with the dogs at the park, and climb onto her window perches around the house.

Overall, Athena has blossomed since adoption.  She is a very happy dog and very emotional.  She expresses her emotions with her whines, moans and barks.   She adores all dogs and is a great big sister.   She absolutely loves to run with dogs at parks and day care.
With us a few weeks here 2014

Nothing makes her happier than being with her "Pack".  Whether it be outside, at the park, in the car, or at play care if she's with them, she's content.  

She also knows her own body.  If she's not ready to go out in the morning, she won't go out.   If she doesn't feel like going to play care, we let her stay home.    We never push her to over do it.

In the last year and a half, we've seen issues with her back legs.   They bother her and when they do it is pretty obvious.  You can see it in her run, her lack of climbing into her bed (a chair in the bedroom), and her need for assistance in getting in the car. 

Sadly this year has been pretty rough for her.   We've noticed her leg issues extending beyond just "getting weak".  At the park once, when her legs gave out, we noticed her dragging her paws.  They were being scraped under as she walked.   Other times she runs "hopping" her back legs along. She can't 'run' with them some days.


Recently her legs have locked up on her.   She ends up sitting in these weird positions because her legs won't bend appropriately.

Best company

In her bed

This morning I dropped her off at the vet for them to look at her.   We're hoping it's something that can be addressed with a shot, pill, or massage even.   We've begun to wonder if maybe she was injured before us and it never healed properly.  All sorts of questions we'll never know the answer.

Besides all this, she's still her wonderful self. At the vet there was a pug there and she was introducing herself to the little thing-like she does anytime she meets a new dog. Her body may not be cooperating with her at the moment, but she's still raring to go.  

Athena is the sweetest dog you will ever meet.  Hoping she gets some relief!  

playing with lil brother
Having a blast at Play Care.
So beautiful
Mommy and Athena
Running with lil Bro
With Daddy!!!!!!!!!